Buy and sell everything to the field classified agricultural farm machinery, fields, agro, rural services and equipment.
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Software Agropecuario Distribuimos GestionPlay, una de las plataformas de software de gestión integral para empresas agropecuarias y agrícolas basada en la nube más completas del mercado, que reinventa todo lo visto hasta hoy en sistemas de gestión.
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Proveedores de ESPECTROFOTOMETRIA - Agricultura de precisión
Portal Industrial is a reputable online platform dedicated to providing information and connecting businesses in the industrial sector. With a specific focus on spectrophotometry, the website offers a comprehensive directory of products, services, and companies related to this field. Users can easily navigate through the site to find the latest news and updates, as well as access valuable resources such as case studies and industry reports. Portal Industrial serves as a valuable resource for professionals looking to stay informed and network with other experts in the spectrophotometry industry.
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Pausa Activa Laboral - Intervalo Productivo
Las pausas activas laborales son descansos que se realizan durante la jornada laboral para ejercitar el cuerpo, estirar los músculos y aliviar las tensiones causados por el estrés.
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Agro Argentinos
Descubre y compra online: Maquinaria agrícola, equipamiento, repuestos, tractores, cosechadoras, sembradoras, pickup's, camiones, pulverizadoras, tolvas y mucho más.
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