THINK ABOUT IT is a Danish company highly specialized in the Enneagram to grow and expand personal excellence. - Training more than 50,000 students - More than 130,000 people use our Enneagram test - Take the 100% FREE Enneagram Test Enneagram Expert Flemming Christensen is the CEO at THINK ABOUT IT and the creator of several Enneagram applications and a 28-day training program that supports Enneagram enthusiasts in their daily use of the Enneagram. Since 1996, one of his most significant contributions to the Enneagram community is the extensive use in leadership training and team development in business and public sector organizations. International companies like AbbVie, Danske Bank, LEGO, Microsoft, Novo Nordisk, and Philips use the Enneagram to grow and expand personal excellence. Please read the profile: for more information.
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Everything for your training!
Are you looking for fitness equipment or machines online? Then you have come to the correct place! At Apuls24-se, we sell a large selection of training machines, equipment, nutritional supplements, and wellness products. When buying from us, you get a free 365-day right of return and an exceptional price and quality guarantee.
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GreyBird Pilot Academy er Danmarks flyveskole med mest flyvetid under pilotuddannelsen. Der er mange fordele, ved dem som pilotskole. En af dem, er at mange betaler løbende og ikke på en gang. Det er dyrt at uddanne sig til erhvervspilot, så at betalingen er løbende, er kun en fordel. Det har afdelinger i Danmark, Sverige og Spanien. Så der er gode muligheder for at tage pilotuddannelsen uden for Danmark
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Half Double Institute
The Half Double Institute is an impartial and non-profit foundation with the purpose of increasing the rate of success in projects all over the world. Together with leading industry partners, we have developed a new and radical project methodology that can increase the success rate of projects.
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Teambuilding Kompagniet
Teambuilding company in Denmark providing courses in personal development and coaching.
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GET ORGANIZED. Improve work-life balance.
I can help you get organized. I have trained more than 600 top executives in getting things done and improve email- task- and calendar management. You will learn how to run your day, week and life instead of letting the day run you. Visit my website for more details.
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CBS Executive tilbyder lederkurser og uddannelser hvor omdrejningspunktet er at få dig som leder. Vi bestræber os efter at du skal få den læring og den udvikling det kræver, så du kan udfolde dig som leder på flere niveauer.
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