Bloom is a recruitment agency that focuses on intelligent recruitment and headhunting. Bloom is a Danish company and has offices in the two largest Danish cities: Copenhagen and Aarhus.
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International Recruitment Agency
We are a Danish Recruitment Agency working with recruitment and head hunting in Denmark for our international clients.
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Excelerate - find a thesis collaboration
Excelerate is a digital platform connecting students and companies through Bachelor and Master thesis collaborations. Students can use our platform to find companies to write their thesis with but also use the platform to find inspiration and good examples of Bachelor's and Master's thesis topics and other research topics. Everything on the platform is free for students.
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Jemac Kommunikation ApS
Headhungting, salgstræning og rekruttering aalborg
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Instaservice I/S
Vikar- og rekrutteringsbureau i København, Middelfart og Århus.
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