Expert en communication sans fil basse consommation
Fabricant chinois de modules sans fil LoRa/WiFi/BLE/ZigBee et fournisseur de terminaux IoT industriels, propose tous les types de solutions de communication sans fil à faible consommation
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IQsim : Global Mobile Network Solutions Provider of VSIM
iQsim is the Leading Mobile Network Solutions Provider of Open Virtual SIM Platform and VSIM enabled mobile devices. iQsims team has acquired significant Telecom experiences in major companies such as Alcatel, Nortel, IBM, Intel, Andersen Consulting and brings unique skillset and know-how in virtual SIM-based systems, 2G/3G/4G modems and mobile embedded software. Contact us at +33 497 04 19 30
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Streamisly agence iptv
Acheter le Meilleur IPTV France chez Streamisly Agence IPTV premium mondial Meilleur IPTV France N° 1 en France
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