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    Your website here with a Premium Listing

  • Syaiful M Maghsri | Motivator Spiritual | Penemu Dan Formula

    SYAIFUL M. MAGHSRI adalah konsultan bidang Manajemen Spiritual untuk peningkatan kualitas SDM untuk hidup lebih SEHAT, SUKSES, KAYA dan SEJAHTERA. | Syaiful M Maghsri

  • Buku Rahasia Sukses

    This website explains how to be a successful person in life. You can find many life lessons on this web

  • Coaching Consultant

    I am a women’s wellness coach who is passionate about guiding and supporting women to find confidence and self-belief in themselves and in the lives they lead. Having worked as a Homeopath and coach with over 2 decades experience, my focus is to use my knowledge, understanding and my own life experience to offer compassion, empathy and integrity to support those who reach out to me. I specialise in supporting women who have experienced emotional trauma or who have found their life has suddenly taken a new direction and they are lacking the self-belief and confidence to take a step forward onto a new life path. I strive to support and guide women who are at a point in life whereby they feel a sense of needing to change the direction their life is taking them or are wanting someone to guide them to find confidence in themselves again.

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