Bhagwan Mahaveer Viklang Sahayata Samiti
Bhagwan Mahaveer Viklang Sahayata Samiti (BMVSS) is the world's largest organisation rehabilitating over 1.78 million amputees and polio patients by fitting/providing artificial limbs (Jaipur Foot variety), calipers, and other aids and appliances.
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Who We Are - About AP Globale Group
As a business leader, we believe in reshaping the way of doing business from being profits-driven only to actually committing to the well being of our community.
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Don't Let Kids Go Bed Hungry | Donatekart Donate Monthly
Over 200 million people in India go to bed hungry every day. Donatekart's Social Investment Plan aims to change this. Join us to make an impact every day. You will be making a difference every month and giving thousands a better future by creating a lasting impact. Know More:
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Online Job Portal, Post a Job, Apply to jobs online, Latest
Worried about the Latest Jobs? Now you can apply to jobs online, post jobs with just a click on your favorite Online Job Portal Edaiva! Job Search made easy!
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Dua to destroy enemy
I am currently a working SEO Team Leader in Indeed Seo company. I would enjoy working in a dynamic, creative environment where there is room for innovative thinking. I read a blog about the Dua for you on business services. I like painting and dancing. I love creating worlds and characters that elevate stories and beauty. I really enjoyed my current job.
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Social Media Page Most Popular Profile
Facebook is the largest social media site, with more than two billion Having good social media profiles can get you more exposure online, help you connect with your fans or customers, and improve your online reputation.
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Pachota dham Pachote Wale Baba, Lala Jai Singh,
Pachota dham Pachote Wale Baba, Lala Jai Singh,
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