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  • España - Georgia Pronóstico Octavos de Final Eurocopa 2024

    Los de La Roja celebran desde ya, pues son ellos quienes han conseguido que los resultados de los encuentros queden de su lado. Los Cruzados cuentan con una victoria lejana ante ellos alguna vez, pero no ha vuelto a suceder. Este nuevo partido de los octavos de final se estará llevando a cabo en el estadio rheinEnergieStadion el 30/06/24. El Pronóstico España vs Georgia tiene una clara selección favorita para una victoria, y se trata de los de La Roja, que buscarán su pase. Traemos algunos datos que te serán de gran ayuda para que tus apestas sean más cercanas al posible resultado y tengas mayores posibilidades de ganar también.

  • Inglaterra vs. Eslovaquia Pronóstico Octavos de Final 2024

    A los Tres Leones este encuentro les sienta bien, pues son ellos a quienes mejor les ha ido cuando les ha tocado verse entre ellos. Los Halcones, que con mucho esfuerzo han llegado hasta aquí, no cuentan con buen historial ante este contrincante. Este nuevo partido de los octavos de final se estará llevando a cabo en el estadio Veltins – Arena el 30/06/24. El Pronóstico Inglaterra vs Eslovaquia mantiene a los Tres Leones en el top como favoritos para llevarse la victoria y seguir avanzando a la siguiente etapa de la competencia. Mira la información que hemos seleccionado para que tengas en cuenta al momento de hacer tus apuestas, así podrás ganar más.

  • Luton Town vs Bournemouth Pronóstico y Predicción Fecha 32

    Previo a esta temporada estos clubes solo han tenido roces en condiciones de la categoría inferior. Además, el duelo de la primera ronda se vio retrasado y se estará disputando posterior a este. Los Sombrereros han sido los últimos en conseguir una victoria, la última vez que se cruzaron en enero del 2022. Los Cerezos no suman desde septiembre del 2021, con una victoria también. Este nuevo partido de la jornada 32 se estará llevando a cabo en el estadio Kenilworth Road. El Pronóstico Luton Town vs Bournemouth tiene la inclinación a que sean los visitantes quienes consigan la victoria en esta oportunidad. Vamos con más información para tus apuestas.

  • Newcastle vs Luton Town Prediction and Odds Date 23

    Previous to this season we only have one reference of a match, where the Magpies managed to get their way over the Hatters. Now, this new match day twenty-three will be taking place at St. James’ Park Stadium on 03/02/24. The Prediction Newcastle vs Luton Town puts all the chips on the home side to get these three points, which, moreover, they are in need of. It will certainly be a game worth enjoying. We have brought you some important information so that you can start placing bets that will lead you to win.

  • Luton Town vs Man United Prediction and Odds Date 25

    There have hardly been any clashes between these two teams, but the Hatters have not been lucky in any of them. The Red Devils are the ones who have prevailed, with a good distance from their rivals. This new match day twenty-five game will be taking place at Kenilworth Road Stadium on 2/17/24. The Prediction Luton Town vs Man United puts on the visitors again the chips to be able to come out winners of this duel. We have brought information that will be valuable to you when placing your bet.

  • Porto vs Shakhtar Prediction and Odds Date 06

    It had been a while since these two clubs had last met, and things had been very even between them. But the Dragons were able to win the most recent duel. The Moles have not won against this opponent since 2014. This match of matchday six of the group stage will be played at the Dragao stadium on 12/13/23. The Prediction Porto vs Shakhtar is again for the home side, who are getting a more solid run this year and are betting on their passage to the round of 16. But let’s see a bit more about each club, concrete data so you get to place better bets.

  • República Checa vs Turquía Pronóstico Grupo F Eurocopa 2024

    A los Leones Checos no les ha ido tan bien en sus cruces con estos rivales, la última vez que sumaron fue con una victoria en octubre del 2014. Los Otomanos han conseguido imponer su poderío, sumando en el resto de los duelos entre ellos, el más cercano que ganaron fue en noviembre del 2022. Este nuevo partido de la jornada tres de la Eurocopa se estará llevando a cabo en el estadio Volksparkstadion el 26/06/24. El Pronóstico República Checa vs Turquía cierra esta vez un poco más la brecha entre ellos, pero siguen siendo los Otomanos quienes dominan las estadísticas para la victoria. Trajimos más información que te será útil para tus apuestas.

  • Atletico Madrid vs Lazio Prediction & Odds Date 06

    The Colchoneros could not perform as planned, only getting one point in their match against this rival. The White and Blues are looking for more, realizing that they could put up a fight. The Group has not been as expected, so it is important to keep an eye on the dates. This duel of the sixth matchday of the group stage will take place at the Cívitas Metropolitano stadium on 12/13/23. The Prediction Atletico Madrid vs Lazio is on fire, and is that things are being defined and between them it can get very tense, the possible score is very close. Let’s go with more detailed information for you to place your bets.

  • Mallorca vs Las Palmas Prediction and Odds Date 35

    Between these two teams things have been pretty evenly split in recent times, both teams have so far scored the same amount of points with equal results. The Bermellones last won in March 2019 and The Pio – Pio have a win from January 2021. This new match of the 35th matchday will be taking place in the state Campo de soccer Son Moix on 12/05/24. The Prediction Mallorca vs Las Palmas leave the possibility of yet another tie, with plenty of tension as we have already seen. Let’s go with more information on what’s going on with these clubs, get your bets ready.

  • Netherlands vs Austria Prediction Group D Euro 2024

    For these two teams we also have an old date of a clash, as well as duels of what they are now. The Clockwork Orange have managed to dominate, winning for the last time in June 2021. The Wunderteam side have been weighed down by the number of times they have come up against this opponent, without being able to win. This new match on matchday three of the Euro group stage will take place at the Olympic Stadium in Berlin on 06/25/24. The Prediction Netherlands vs Austria maintains the same line as the previous ones, possible victory for the Clockwork Orange. Stay to have more data for your bets.

  • Czech Republic vs Turkey Prediction Group F Euro 2024

    The Czech Lions have not fared so well in their crossings with these rivals, the last time they scored was with a win in October 2014. The Ottomans have managed to impose their power, scoring in the rest of the duels between them, the closest one they won was in November 2022. This new match on matchday three of the European Championship will take place at the Volksparkstadion stadium on 26/06/24. The Prediction Czech Republic vs Turkey closes the gap between them a bit more this time, but it is still the Ottomans who dominate the statistics for the win. We brought more information that will be useful for your bets.

  • Alaves vs Real Sociedad Prediction and Odds Date 30

    This is not a lucky match for the Babazorros, who have only managed to win recently against this rival with draws, the last one being the first round match. The Realas have managed to win on several occasions, although they have not won since March 2022. This new match of the thirtieth matchday will be taking place at the Mendizorroza stadium on 31/03/24. The Prediction Alaves vs Real Sociedad has some inclination for the visitors to win, although a draw could happen again. Let’s go with more concise information on what has been happening between them, so you will have a better idea to place your bets.

  • PSG vs Real Sociedad Prediction and Odds Round of 16

    What a scoop we have here! And the fact is that these two clubs had not previously crossed paths. The Parisians saw how their participation in the competition was shaken, qualifying just ahead of a group mate who finished with the same points. The Realas are on fire, sacrificing local performance to give everything now. This new match of the twenty-seventh matchday will take place at the Parc des Princes stadium on 02/14/24. The Prediction PSG vs Real Sociedad presumes a very intense match, where the locals will be looking to give their all, as they know it is not easy, and even less will be the second leg, but they will go very close. Prepare your bets now to start winning!

  • Porto vs Arsenal Prediction and Odds Round of 16

    These two clubs already have a history in this competition, they have met several times, but it has been a long time since they last met. The Dragons have won more times, the last one in February 2010. While the Gunners, although with fewer victories, have kept the last victory for themselves. This new match of the first leg of the round of 16 will be played at the Estadio do Dragao on 21/02/24. The Prediction Porto vs Arsenal may be ripe for surprises, although it is the English who have a better chance of winning. But let’s see a little more of the steps of each one, pay attention to the data for your bets.

  • Arsenal vs Oporto Pronóstico y Predicción Octavos de Final

    Vaya que sí tenemos de dónde tirar entre estos dos equipos que se han encontrado ya varias veces. Los Gunners son quienes más provecho han conseguido sacar en estas oportunidades, incluyendo la última victoria, en marzo del 2021. Los Dragones han tenido sus chances, aunque les ha costado más, sumaron por última vez en febrero del 2010. Este nuevo partido de la vuelta de los octavos de final se estará llevando a cabo en el estadio Emirates Stadium el 12/03/24. El Pronóstico Arsenal vs Oporto nos tiene con los pelos de punta, habrá mucha pelea por el marcador, pero hay mayor inclinación a que sean los locales quienes venzan. ¡Apuesta ahora con nosotros!

  • Kobenhavn vs Man City Prediction & Odds Round of 16

    These two clubs have not played each other very often, but none of them have gone well for The Lions, who have only taken one point. The Cityzens have a better points tally and have been able to win more firmly. This new round of 16 match will take place at the Parken stadium on 13/02/24. The Prediction Kobenhavn vs Man City has a clear favorite to come out of these matches victorious, and it is precisely the current champion of the competition. Let’s take a look at why, how the clubs are getting through the road so far, this data will help you with your bets.

  • Real Sociedad vs PSG Prediction & Odds Round of 16

    What can we say about The Realas that is not already notorious for what they have achieved? And they come to fight for a place against one of the strongest clubs in the world today. The Parisians will be looking to build on their record in order to seal their passage. This new round of 16 second leg match will be played at the Reale Arena stadium on 05/03/24. The Prediction Real Sociedad vs PSG is not so clear, the locals will do everything possible to be able to define their victory, and the visitors will not let themselves go empty-handed. We bring you some facts about each of them to guide you when placing your bets.

  • Suiza vs. Italia Pronóstico Octavos de Final Eurocopa 2024

    Entre estas dos selecciones se han dado varios encuentros, algunos de data antigua y otros más cercanos, pero recientemente las cosas han estado bastante parejas. Los de las Cruces Rojas han tenido algo más de dificultades. Los Azzurri han sumado todas las últimas veces. Este nuevo partido de los octavos de final se estará llevando a cabo en el estadio Olímpico de Berlín el 29/06/24. El Pronóstico Suiza vs Italia resalta las condiciones similares que tienen ambos, por lo que el resultado podría irse igualado en el reglamentario; con chance de victoria para los Azzurri. Mira esta información que te serpa de gran ayuda para construir tus apuestas.

  • Chelsea vs Bournemouth Prediction and Odds Date 38

    The Blues have scored in all of their most recent meetings against this opponent, although they last won in May 2023. The Cherries, on the other hand, have only had a chance to earn draws, the last one coming in the first round of this campaign. This new matchday 38 match will be taking place at Stamford Bridge Stadium on 19/05/24. The Prediction Chelsea vs Bournemouth continues to leave close chances between them, where the draw predominates, as well as the home win. But let’s see more information about what these clubs have done recently so you can have a better idea with your bets.

  • Georgia vs República Checa Pronóstico Grupo F Eurocopa 2024

    Se vienen varias fechas donde estos dos equipos tendrán que verse cara a cara, pero esta la primera vez en la historia que esto sucederá. Los Cruzados y los Leones Chechos comenzarán aquí a escribir su historia, que viene con todo. Este nuevo partido de la jornada dos de la Eurocopa se estará llevando a cabo en el estadio Volksparkstadion el 22/06/24. El Pronóstico Georgia vs República Checa deja a los Leones Checos con más chance de poder alcanzar la victoria en este primer cruce. Veamos cómo han ido avanzando las cosas para ellos, estos datos te servirán de guía al momento de hacer tus apuestas.

  • Luton Town vs Brentford Prediction & Odds Date 34

    The history of these recent duels has been full of negative episodes for the Hatters, who have only managed to win once, with a victory in February 2020. The Bees have consolidated their position as the heaviest of the two, also winning in the first round of this season. This new match day 34 game will be taking place at Kenilworth Road Stadium on 20/04/24. The Prediction Luton Town vs Brentford once again places the visitors as the favorites to take those points. We have brought some valuable facts for your betting purposes.

  • Wolves vs Arsenal Prediction and Odds Date 34

    The Wolves, although they have been close, have always come up empty-handed when it comes to facing this opponent; the Gunners have been convincing and although they have struggled, they have won all of their recent duels as victories. This new matchday 34 encounter will be taking place at Molineux Stadium on 04/20/24. The Prediction Wolves vs Arsenal doesn’t tell a different story, most likely the visitors will extend their winning streak. Let’s go with more concise data for you to bet with us.

  • Luton Town vs Brentford Pronóstico y Predicción Fecha 34

    La historia de estos duelos recientes ha estado cargada de episodios negativos para los Sombrereros, quienes solo han conseguido sumar en una ocasión, con una victoria en febrero del 2020. Las Abejas se han consolidado como los de mayor peso entre ellos, venciendo también en la primera ronda de esta temporada. Este nuevo partido de la jornada 34 se estará llevando a cabo en el estadio Kenilworth Road el 20/04/24. El Pronóstico Luton Town vs Brentford ubica nuevamente a los visitantes como los favoritos a llevarse esos puntos. Hemos traído algunos datos de valor para tus apuestas.

  • Villarreal vs Athletic Prediction and Odds Date 12

    Things tend to change a bit and for these two teams that was the case in the most recent matchday, where the Yellow Submarines won their first victory in a long time against this team; The Lions were more than beaten, despite having won the previous match, albeit by the minimum. They will play this matchday twelve match at the El Madrigal stadium on 05/11. The Prediction Villarreal vs Athletic is not an outrageous result, but rather something more equal between these two teams, as has already happened. Let’s see what can result, with clearer data for you to place your bets.

  • Granada vs Celta de Vigo Pronóstico y Predicción Fecha 37

    Los Granadinos solo han podido sacar de a un punto de los encuentros más recientes que han tenido ante este rival, el más reciente en mayo del 2022. Los Célticos han salido con mejor cara en más ocasiones, consiguiendo incluso ganar el duelo de la primera vuelta. Este nuevo partido de la jornada 37 se estará llevando a cabo en el estadio Los Cármenes el 19/05/24. El Pronóstico Granada vs Celta de Vigo no refleja mayor margen de diferencia entre los equipos, podrían igualar, o victoria visitante. Veamos un poco entonces de cómo les ha ido a cada uno de los clubes hasta le momento, estos datos te ayudarán con tus apuestas.

  • Alaves vs Rayo Vallecano Prediction & Odds Date 28

    The Babazorros have had a good run-in with this club, last winning in April 2022. While The Rayistas have accumulated the most points so far from the most recent matches, including winning the first round of this campaign. This new matchday twenty-eight encounter will be taking place at the Mendizorroza stadium on 10/03/23. The Prediction Alaves vs Rayo Vallecano is again leaning towards the visitors could keep the result in their favor. Let’s go with more precise data so you can have more options when placing your bets.

  • Oporto vs Arsenal Pronóstico y Predicción Octavos de Final

    Estos dos clubes ya tienen historia en esta competición, son varias las veces que se han enfrentado, pero hace mucho que no lo hacen. Los Dragones han ganado más veces, la última sería en febrero del 2010. Mientras que los Gunners, aunque con menos sumatorias, se guardan la última victoria para ellos. Este nuevo partido de la ida de los octavos de final se estará jugando en el estadio do Dragao el 21/02/24. El Pronóstico Oporto vs Arsenal puede estar presto para sorpresas, aunque son los ingleses quienes tienen mayores posibilidades de ganar. Pero veamos un poco más de los pasos de cada uno, atento para lo datos de tus apuestas.

  • Bournemouth vs Wolves Prediction and Odds Round 9

    The history between these two teams has seen some unique dynamics. While the Wolves have generally had the upper hand, the Cherries clinched victory in their last encounter. This upcoming match is set for the ninth matchday at the Vitality Stadium. Examining the Bournemouth vs Wolves Prediction suggests a potential repetition of the recent scenario, but let’s not jump to conclusions just yet. So, to get us closer to the truth and, most importantly, a winning bet, let’s take a closer look at what the statistics are telling us.

  • Atletico Madrid vs Cadiz Prediction and Odds Date 08

    The Colchoneros go into this match with a comfortable look at what could happen, as not only have they been the big winners between them, but they recently achieved it with a win. The Gaditanos come a little shaken from the previous season, despite having three points taken from them in the first round encounter. They will play at the Cívitas Metropolitano stadium, on 01/10. The Prediction Atletico Madrid vs Cadiz leans more towards the possibility of the match staying at home, with a resounding victory. Let’s see a little more data between them and recent statistics, it’s time for your bets!

  • Las Palmas vs Celta Vigo Prediction & Odds Date 08

    It has been a while since a match like this has taken place, due to the participation of The Pio – Pio in the lower category. They will play at the Gran Canaria stadium, on October 1, match that is part of the eighth matchday. The Celtics have been regular in the competition for some time now, and they also bring back memories of victories over their rivals. The Prediction Las Palmas vs Celta Vigo does not show a big difference between them, but the advantage that the visiting team can have over the locals. Let’s take a look at what has happened between them, their most recent data and statistics for your bets.

This page was created on 17 Feb 2025 GMT v12.0