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Things to do in the Garden before the end of March!

 With March, winter gradually leaves the garden to welcome spring. Discover all there is to do in the orchard, vegetable garden, flower side…


In March, the garden begins to wake up in a very discreet way, but the pace is accelerating day by day! Winter tasks give way to all the preparation for the beautiful season. The actions to be implemented are varied.


What to do in the garden during the month of March?

  • Clean the birdhouses in anticipation of the first nests.
  • Put the pond pump back in place when the highs reach 15°C during the day.
  • Put the mower to be overhauled as soon as possible, if it has not been overhauled this winter.
  • Take out the succulents and cacti during the day, in partial shade. Bring them in at night.
  • Consider having the robot mower serviced, which should normally be serviced every year.
  • Install aquatic plants around the pools, except the most chilly ones.


What to do in the Garden in March after the cold?

The month of March often marks the end of the winter period. So, after low temperatures, frost, rain and snow, you have to repair the damage to the garden and prepare it for spring. To do this, try to remove protections such as winter veils to avoid any risk of condensation and mold. You can leave the mulch in place and start watering your plants liberally again.


What to do in the garden in March: Fight maladies

Freshly emerged leaves getting distorted and blistered? Often, the altered areas turn red? The fungus responsible for this blister, Taphrina deformans, is the same one that settles on the peach tree. This disease can be treated with copper-based fungicides, but alternative substances such as lecithin extracted from soybeans or sunflowers can also be used. You will have to intervene as soon as all the young leaves appear, then repeat the operation five days later.


Prevent leaf spots on quince: Numerous small gray spots with black outlines appeared last season on the foliage. They multiply during the spring and have led to the complete drying up of certain leaves. The corners have also been affected and are marked with numerous necrosis spots.  This very common spring disease on this species is favored by rainy weather. Once installed on the leaves, the fungus responsible for it manages to contaminate the fruits as well. This condition can only be contained with preventative treatments; once in place, impossible to stop it! Therefore, as a precaution, as soon as the leaves of your quince tree unfold, treat with a copper-based fungicide and repeat this application fifteen days later.


Leaf roll-necrosis

Waterlogged, the young leaves of your lilac are very sensitive to this drop in temperature. Fortunately, only the foliage on the most exposed side is affected, but the necroses will spread, the leaves will slowly dry out and fall. On the other hand, the twig and the buds generally remain spared and will soon give new shoots. In a few weeks, rest assured, there will be no trace of this late cold snap!


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