Amit Bar Fine Art Photography
Black&white and colour photos of artistic nudes, body-paintings, landscapes, nature, snapshots, children and portrait photos, drawings and photo-collages.
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Ellen de Groot, fine art oil paintings
Dutch artist, fine art paintings in personal style inspired by the Flemish Masters. Fine portraits, triptychs and realistic paintings.
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Emil Matulewicz Paintings
Figurative paintings such as portraits, still lifes and landscapes with special attention for flowers, people, ballet, ballerinas and goddesses.
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Helderglaskunst, Kim ten Oever
Kim ten Oever, kunst, glas, glaskunst, glasblazen, glashelder, helder glas kunst, hengelo, twente, glassnijden, graveren, glazen objecten, Art, glass,glasobjecten
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Edward Pranger Oriental Art Gallery
Specialised in Antique and Contemporary Art from Asia, including China Japan and Korea.
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Metrocity streetfashion
e-zine website with photography about streetfashion. lifestyle and fashion shows from Tokyo, New York, Hong Kong, London, Paris, and Berlin
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The Philosophical Realism of Jan G. Marque
At first sight, the website seems to be a normal exhibition of Philosophical Realism paintings by Ja
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Kunst door Gert-Jan Knoll. een nederlandse schilder
Gert-Jan knoll. een nederlandse schilder van moderne kunst. kenmerkend door het gebruik van een kleurrijk pallet. kleinzoon van lucas hendrik knoll, bekend van de "goudse glazen" in Gouda.
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Celebrity Pencil Drawings
Pencil drawings of celebrities plus tips & tricks for making your own drawings.
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Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes illustrated by Roos Thijsen.
Complete collection of Mother Gosse Nusery rhymes, illustrations by Roos Thijsen. Rhymes are categorized searchable and printable.
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Leren acrylverf schilderen? Vergelijk dan eenvoudig de beste acrylverf schildercursussen. Hierdoor kun je vrijwel meteen beginnen met het acrylverf schilderen.
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