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    Your website here with a Premium Listing

  • GeniCore

    Located in Warsaw and operating all over the World, GeniCore is an experienced engineering company with ample experience manufacturing and supplying.

  • AJ Group PROS

    AJ Group is a leader in the manufacture of professional waterproof clothing. The company has a long record of designing and producing waterproof garments, thigh and waist waders.


    Virgamet is a steel trading Company from Poland established in 2016. Our main offer is focused on special steel products like stainless steel, pressure vessel steel, engineering construction steel, spring and heat resistant steel.

  • RUNOTEX - producer of woven upholstery fabrics

    RUNOTEX SA Poland. We produce: knitted fabrics, woven upholstery, technical fabrics, wool bedding sets, toy fabrics, footwear padding, mass transport upholstery, fake fur, decorative fabrics.

  • - Steel Construction Manufacturer

    Manufacturing of steel structures is our speciality.


    Geo Globe Polska to producent tworzyw sztucznych, to firma, która specjalizuje si? w produkcji ró?nego rodzaju materia?ów z tworzywa sztucznego, stosowanych w wielu ga??ziach przemys?u, od budownictwa po motoryzacj?. Dzi?ki zastosowaniu najnowszych technologii, s? w stanie wytwarza? trwa?e tworzywo, doskonale spe?niaj?ce najwy?sze standardy jako?ciowe i proekologiczne. Stale rozwijamy us?ugi i ulepszamy wytwarzane produkty. Produkujemy tace transportowe, opakowania. Jeste?my w stanie wytworzy? kilka, kilkana?cie tysi?cy sztuk produktów.

  • Automatic Meter Reading

    Rhino offers complex automatic meter reading solutions for water, gas, heat and electricity metering. Data are transferred via Internet or GSM/GPRS, quickly and failure-free.

  • Okna

    Manufacturer of timber windows and doors.

  • PVC windows in Poland

    IZOPLAST Company is a manufacturer of PVC windows. Sells windows at affordable prices for residents of the central Polish. The company has its own factory and professional employees. Thousands of people have trusted us IZOPLAST

  • Intako

    Podkladki dystansowe to elementy uaywane na budowach. Okrewlenie podkladki dystansowe odnosi si3 zarówno do elementów do zbrojenia jak i akcesoriów do poprawnego montazu okna.

  • Van Care Polska

    Van Care has been a manufacturer in the field of commercial vehicle Van Racking Kits for many years. Our head office is located in Beek, The Netherlands, and our team consists of four employees. The production site is based in Poland, and has 100 employees.

  • Carbon Fibre Sheets

    Dexcraft is the reputable supplier of the high-performance carbon fibre sheets. The products are manufactured using unique technology. This is the only brand that provides you highest grade carbon fibre sheets with great deals and discount offers.

  • Tonery Kraków - regeneracja, serwis drukarek

    Drukton Service profesjonalna regeneracja tonerów, fachowy serwis drukarek

  • ABC Technika

    Platforma sprzeda?owa oferuje szeroki asortyment produktów od najwi?kszych producentów i dystrybutorów w Polsce: si?owniki pneumatyczne, spawarki, osuszacze.

  • Prec-Metal

    Prec-Metal Company - production and distribution of high quality industrial reinforcement. In current assortment hose stems, steel nipples, suction strainers, hose ferrules .

  • Custom Terra Cotta Manufacturers

    Custom Terra Cotta Manufacturers is a company that makes terracotta clay facades for homes and businesses. Our products are custom-made to fit your home or business, so you can have exactly the look you want. We use high-quality materials to make our facades, so they'll last for years. If you're interested in getting a new facade for your home or business, please contact Custom Terra Cotta Manufacturers!

  • Granite worktops

    Hoder Stoneworks company is a producer of kitchen worktops, windowsills, stairs and many other products made of granite, black granite and marble.

  • Baby Wear Manufacturer

    Baby wear manufacturer, high quality children`s clothes

  • Natural Poland

    We are a cold-pressed vegetable oil manufacturer located in Poland in Europe. We are a supplier of food and cosmetic raw materials exporting directly from Poland to China.

  • Fyrestore to sklep, w którym znajdziecie sprz?t dla gamerów, gad?ety zwi?zane z grami komputerowymi oraz inne akcesoria. Sklep oferuje produkty wysokiej jako?ci pochodz?cych od renomowanych producentów.

  • Metal stampings

    We take pride in producing quality products, delivered on time at very competitive prices.Our customers encompass a broad cross-section of industry including the automotive, electronic.


    Producer of high quality brewing equipment. Capacity available – 30, 50, 100, 150, 200, 300 500, 1000, 2500 & 5000 Litres per day.

  • Stan-Mark - plastic injection molding in Poland

    Stan-Mark plastic injection molding in Poland (Lodz) and custom injection molds manufacturing

  • Milk Powders from Poland - SHN

    P.W. Milk Powders - SHN Our company was founded in 1992. We are manufacturers and sellers of higest quality milk powders. Thanks to our experience, products that we make have great specification and are also at a very low prices.

  • Drewmar Schody


  • Sklep internetowy Marilyn

    Marilyn is a leading hosiery manufacturer in Poland. The brand has been present on the market for 20 years. Its experience in the industry guarantees the high quality of the products offered. Marilyn has its own production plant in Lodz. By placing all its production on the Polish territory, it can flexibly respond to any market’s needs. Comfort and fit are two of the most important components of Marilyn designs. Every year we draw inspiration from the newest trends and create a collection with high quality fabrics. Our products are designed to be worn and loved for years to come.

  • Sunspider car window shades made in EU.

    EU manufacturer of car window shades. Sun blockers for Audi, BMW, Skoda and many more. All car sun shades fitted to window. We make car sun shades in two technologies: ProMagnetic and X-Class. You don't need to buy whole set! We sell from one piece!

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