Z z ?atwo?ci? mo?esz organizowa? swoje projekty, zyskuj?c kontrol? nad harmonogramem, zasobami i osi?ganiem celów.
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AudioPlay - freeware website music player
AudioPlay is a lightweight, fully customizable, one button, Freeware MP3 player based on Flash technology. It is available as online music player or zip/tar.gz version.
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Software House Blog
Smartbees is a Polish software house that specializes in websites, e-commerce platforms and dedicated web applications development. Most of our projects are based on Open Source technologies such as Drupal and Magento, which guarantee outstanding scalability and efficiency. We provide complex services starting with graphic design, web development works, ending with technical support and further functionalities development. What distinguishes us is strong customer-centred orientation.
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Wecom wszystko dla biura i domu
Sklep internetowy z asortymentem produktów przeznaczonych zarówno dla biura jak i domu. Komputery a tak?e cz??ci do nich, sprz?t elektroniczny RTV oraz AGD. Posiadamy w ofercie ponad 30000 pozycji dost?pnych dla naszych klientów w przeci?gu 2-3 d
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