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Electric Vehicle Rivian Prices Vehicles Higher

Rivian Automotive Inc. is taking a crazy silly and possible lucrative bet by increasing its selling price. This move has caused some investor nerves, especially in an increasingly tightening competition from traditional automakers. However, Rivian EV maker has calmed investors by stating that the higher prices are necessary to meet customer demand and spur demand for its Electronic Vehicles. The market leader is also aware of the swells of competition in this space and wants to make a profit while still delivering on its promises. Despite souring consumer sentiment towards high-priced EVs, Rivian believes that betting on a bold move will pay off in the long run. In doing so, it also wants to slash prices as much as possible to stay competitive in an ever-tightening market. By making these moves, Rivian is showing that it is willing to take calculated risks and make strategic decisions that will set it apart from other EV makers.

category: Business > Electric-vehicles

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