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Blue Pier Canada Pension Plans

Blue Pier is Canada's first "pension Plan as a Service". Our Mission is to enable all Canadian employers to offer a real workplace pension plan without the work, costs and risks of pension administration. Our Vision is to provide to all Canadian workers an opportunity to enjoy income security and a high quality of life in retirement. Our Values are a commitment to operate to the highest standards of innovation, inclusiveness, governance, transparency, disclosure, and cost-efficiency. Blue Pier is a pension plan and your team deserves a pension plan. But that doesn’t mean you need to run a pension plan – you can join Blue Pier instead. Our business is pensions, period. We enable you to provide a customized pension program plan to your entire workforce without the costs, risks and workload of plan administration. We are laser-focused on one, simple goal: to deliver the best possible pension income to our members, with the lowest possible cost, risk and workload for our client employers.

category: Finance > Pensions

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