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Celtic Spas - Luxurious & Technically Superior Spas & Saunas

Celtic Spas are proud to have been appointed the sole distributor of Hanscraft products for the UK. Following their appointment, Celtic are rapidly building a nationwide network of Platinum retailers who can be relied upon to deliver the same standard of customer care, both before and after purchase, as Celtic offer to all those buying direct from their business. The hallmarks of the products offered by Celtic are a focus on quality – which they believe to be superior to anything else currently available within the UK – together with energy efficiency and a unique list of technical innovations, already proving a big hit with customers. Above all, the massive range of spas, swimspas and saunas ensures Celtic has the ability to precisely meet the needs of each and every customer’s unique requirements for exceptional wellness products.

category: Home-and-garden > Garden > Hot-tubs

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Published by AlexTavisonPartners.

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