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Digital Health Sumo

Digital Health Sumo is a platform that aims at helping Digital Health, Healthcare IT, and Healthcare startups, organizations, products, events, …etc, get noticed amongst the healthcare community. The platform can be viewed as a one-stop shop for what’s currently happening in Digital Health and Healthcare IT, rather than having this information spread across the web and missing the interesting stuff. Rather than publishing your content or starting some project and waiting for it to get noticed in the community, you can use Digital Health Sumo to shout out loud about your new work and have your voice reached to a targeted community that is eager to learn about what’s emerging in Digital Health and Healthcare IT. Digital Health Sumo aims to be the destination of choice when it comes to what’s happening in the Digital Health and Healthcare IT world. We are not about news and views, but informative articles and thoughts to apply in your business. With the many interesting things happeni

category: Business > News-and-media

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Published by alexyehsmiles.

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