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Email: [email protected], Website:, Address: 10302, Chambord street, suite 101, City: Montreal, Province: Quebec, Post / Zip : H2C 2R5, Country: Canada. Phone: 438-387-7700, The podiatrist treats all the foot problems at every level: dermatological (athletes foot, wart) and musculoskeletal (tendinitis, capsulitis, plantar fasciitis). A misalignment of the feet can cause knee injuries and back problems. The podiatrist can prescribe orthotics if needed, medications, can perform a cortisone injection and can use medical imaging such as X-rays, MRI (magnetic resonance imaging). His expertise can be applied to infants (starting at one month of age), toddlers, athletes, but also to workers standing a lot on their feet. Diabetic patients should consult their podiatrist at least every three (3) months to maintain healthy feet and prevent any ulcer or complications. can login to edit this page by adding news and offers from their website.