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Concrete core drilling, cutting, demolition scanning work

What is CONCRETE CORING OR CONCRETE CORE DRILLING Work? Concrete coring or concrete core drilling is the process of cutting or drilling through concrete, whether ceilings, walls, or floors. Generally, it’s not used for the DIY stuff, like putting small holes in a wall for furniture or hangings. Some of the concrete coring applications are drainage, maintenance holes, utility holes, HVAC, and structural testing. We use concrete core drilling for both specific concrete removal and diagnostic testing. What is CONCRETE CUTTING Work? “It is used to cut huge chunks of concrete. The machinery used in this method is a cable studded with diamonds.” Concrete cutting is required when buildings are to be renovated. It is a method of breaking concrete with the use of machines and less man power. Concrete Cutting In UAE is required because of the constant up gradation of buildings and infrastructure. Wall Saw Cutting or Wall Sawing Cutting or Saw Cutting Floor Saw Cutting.

category: Business > Construction > Concrete

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