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Wigwam Toys Children's Toys & Gifts

Discover our award-winning, retro, eco-conscious toy store based in Brighton, East Sussex. We are an independent, family-run business with sustainability at its heart. Here at Wigwam Toys, you’ll find a finely curated selection of toys, collectibles and books for children aged 0–10. We are environmentally considerate, community-minded, customer focused, and we aim to behave as ethically and kindly as we can. We think this is reflected back in terms of our customer's loyalty to us. Those of us on the shop floor are all collectors, makers, and big kids! I think our enthusiasm is contagious and our customers know we will always be able to find something for them.Our sustainable mix of products are for children to enjoy for years to come and offer great value for money. We choose not to sell digital toys or licensed products we believe that childhood is short and having time play is special.

category: Games > Toys

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