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Blunt and Envy UK

Blunt Scooters, founded in 2009 in Melbourne, Australia, quickly established itself as a leading brand in the emerging pro scooter industry. Specializing in aftermarket parts for kick scooters, they gained recognition for their top-quality offerings like Metalcore wheels, clamps, bars, and griptape. As their popularity soared, Blunt Scooters expanded globally, forming teams in Australia, the USA, and UK. To address naming conflicts, they introduced ENVY Scooters in Australia, while BLUNT Scooters maintained its presence in UK. ENVY Scooters, particularly renowned for their flagship model, the Envy Prodigy, became a dominant force in various regions, captivating stunt scooter enthusiasts with their cutting-edge designs and exceptional performance.

category: Sport > Scootering

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