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Top 10 CBSE Schools in Bangalore

At Royale Concorde International School, we believe that children must be taught HOW to think & not WHAT to think. Any child with the right guidance and support & with innovative methods of learning which RCIS offers can excel in life. The team at our schools - one of the top 10 CBSE schools in Bangalore have contributed to making school an exciting, challenging & enjoyable environment for all. As per the maxim, knowledge has a potential power only when it is acted upon. The school assures prominence to the tasks of building the fundamental traits, particularly positive self-esteem. Our mission is to nurture the innate potential of our students to enable them to excel in whatever they choose. We help the students to learn, grow, and evolve into open-minded, ethical, and caring individuals who are guided, focused and encouraged to set goals, attain them, and exceed expectations. Visit us on Follow us on

category: Education > Schools

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