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Tminds Coaching -  Life Coach In Abu Dhabi Login to rate this website
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Tminds Coaching - Life Coach In Abu Dhabi

Welcome to Transforming Minds, the holistic coaching platform. I’m Aina Raj, ICF certified ACC life & career coach based in Dubai, UAE. As an executive life coach, I help women and men to find more clarity and purpose in life, encourage positive thinking and manage negativity and work on overall personal development to achieve happiness and fulfillment in life. As a professional career coach, I empower ambitious individuals who feel stuck or confused in different phases of their career to choose and progress in a career path they are passionate about while finding a healthy balance between, life, relationships, work, and social commitments. Aina is an Experienced and Expert Career Coach who has coached individuals from different walks of life by empowering them to discover theirs truly inside calling by helping them overcome their limiting beliefs.

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