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Link Centre > Business > Machinery And Tools - page 1

    Your website here with a Premium Listing

  • Pentruservice

    La noi gasesti orce scule pentru service-ului tau: Scule autu, scule fixare distributie, Consumabile, Dispozitive de Sablare, Echipamente de Sudura, Presa Hidraulice si Mecanice, Extractoare, Tubulare si biti, Scule pentru Tinichigerie, sau scule speciale pentru motor, sistem de franare.


    Ingco's mission, present in over 180 countries around the world, has always been to design professional tools, from power tools to hand tools, and make them accessible to everyone through excellent value for money. Bervas SRL immediately embraced this philosophy, committing to spread it to the Romanian market as of 2018. Ingco tools are subject to continuous and scrupulous quality controls, believing that this should not only be read from the point of view of efficiency, but also from the point of view of design and ergonomics. Each product is designed to improve the quality of the work and make its execution easier, with interventions on the materials and technologies used. We are proud to lead Romanian users towards excellence and to be able to say to everyone: "Make the world in your hands", create the world in your hands.

  • Compensatoare de energie reactiva Kobill Brasov

    Oferim configurare personalizata, vanzare si instalare pentru Compensatoare de energie reactiva. Imbunatatire factor de putere=reducere la factura electrica pentru ateliere. Kobill Brasov

  • Scule electrice

    Importator aparate de sudura Telwin , aparate de sudura Kemppi , aparate de sudura Miller si Lincoln USA. Oferim toata gama de aparate sudura profesionale si industriale cat si generatoare de curent

  • Aparate sudura

    Gama de aparate de sudura profesionale cu 3 ani garantie Miller Electric si aparate de sudura Telwin, Kemppi,Lincoln. Importator direct.

  • Scule Ridgid

    Scule industriale Ridgid, scule instalatii, scule sanfrenare, curatare scurgeri, scule pentru tubulaturi.

This page was created on 23 Jan 2025 GMT v12.0