SAM Romania - IT Solution and Service Provider
Who we are? With over 20 years of experience in the industry, SAM Romania consultants specialize in IT Asset Management services and in providing IT solutions (software, hardware, cloud) for companies of all sizes in Romania. In the CVs of our consultants, you can find a series of delivered projects, both for clients from the private sector and for those from the public sector. Projects: - provision, installation and configuration of software applications & hardware equipment, Software Asset Management services, Microsoft licensing audit consultancy, - implementation of ITAM, ITSM, ITOM & FinOps solutions What do we promise? 1. Quick response to any request 2. Preparation of quotations in a few minutes 3. Always respecting the delivery deadlines 4. Quality services 5. Top class customer support
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Service Calculatoare | Optimizare seo | Creare site
Oferim suport tehnic de specialitate companiilor si punem la dispozitie o paleta larga de servicii it. In oferta noastra puteti gasi: service calculatoare, externalizare it, helpdesk, creare site, optimizare seo, promovare site
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INFRASOFT was formally established in 2004, in Romania. Partner of Oracle and INTHINC-TIWIPRO, INFRASOFT provides high quality services in document management, enterprise resourse planning and fleet management system.
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Externalizare servicii mentenanta IT Bucuresti
ITissimo ofera companiilor mici si medii din Bucuresti servicii de externalizare IT si mentenanta IT bazate pe abonament.
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