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Uvoz iz Kine
Uvoz iz Kine uz pomoc Gabriel grupe, agenta za pronalazenje i slanje robe iz Kine. Zapocnite trgovinu uz pomoc pouzdanog partnera u Kini. Ako zelite da uvozite iz Kine ili prodajete svoje proizvode u Kini javite nam se. Sigurni smo da i Vama mozemo pomoci!
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Alpha Solutions - ISO 9001 ISO 14001 ISO 27001
Alpha Solutions - ISO 9001 ISO 14001 ISO 27001
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Direkta provides professional consulting, administrative and legal assistance to entrepreneurs, associations and companies in the fields of business law, tax and finances, accounting, digital marketing, web design and visual identity. Primarily, we offer the service of registration of new business entities on the market and provide them legal and administrative support for developing their business strategy. We guarantee adequate legal support and fully proficient service of leading many processes of registration at Serbian Business Registers Agency. Our main goal is to digitalize the administrative processes for entrepreneurs and to become a professional and efficient partner to all business entities in the market. Excellence, the quality of services, devotion to success and continual striving for long-term cooperation with our clients, are the principal values cherished in Direkta.
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Gugl Expert zna Kako biti prvi na google
Google Expert pomae vlasnicima privatnih firmi da na jedinstven na?in budu predstavljeni na internetu koriste?i Google Maps, digitalni marketing i responsive veb sajtove!
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Dry Van Dispatch Services
TheDispatchNet company offers not only cargo search but also a wide range of services, namely: invoicing for carrier companies, paperwork for shipping companies, document management for drivers, contact with a broker for drivers, communication with a broker for carrier companies, compliance with safety requirements and much more. You drive, deliver, and earn, and everything else is up to us. The main unchanging goal for us is, foremost, transparency of cooperation. We offer an exceptionally clear pricing policy, where there are no hidden payments and various commissions in case of termination of the contract. The company charges customers a payment such as, for example, from 5% to 10% for each cargo, depending on the type of trailer used: dry van, step deck, reefer, flatbed, or hotshot (only 40 trailers and CDL drivers). TheDispatchNet range of dispatching services includes tariff coordination and negotiating with brokers and shippers.
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Javne nabavke
Kompanija KGB nabavke nastala je izdvajanjem iz drutva KGB Finance doo, sa eljom da svim naim klijentima pruimo kompletnu podrku na poslovima planiranja i sprovo?enja postupaka javnih nabavki i pra?enju njihove realizacije. Na tim ?ine iskusni slubenici za javne nabavke, komercijalni i eksperti iz oblasti prava, finansija, prosvete, zdravstva, gra?evine i drugih oblasti, sa dugogodinjim iskustvom u javnim nabavkama budetskih ustanova.
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Online prodavnica korisnicke elektronike
Abc Servis internet trgovina je prodavnica koja posluje posredstvom pote. Kod nas kupujete sigurno i pouzdano jer uz svaki kupljeni predmet dobijate ra?un i garanciju. Proizvodi koji se nalaze na stanju alju se svakog dana oko 15h. Kod proizvoda koji se dobavljaju iz magacina, a oni su obeleeni kao Dostupno kao narudbina na zahtev, sve porudbine se alju na vau adresu narednog dana. Kao trgovina preko interneta u obavezi smo da sve predmete aljemo isklju?ivo kurirskim slubama pa je samim time li?no preuzimanje isklju?eno. Hvala na razumevanju.
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Oklagije za maderoterapiju
Oklagije za maderoterapiju i oklagije za masau su tu da ostanu sastavni deo mnogih salona koji se bave masazom i negom tela. Oklagije za maderoterapiju kod nas mozete poruciti brzo i lako jednim klikom.
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Deka Business Solutions, Inc.
Deka Business Solutions, Inc. provides personalized financial planning and accounting services so you can focus on the other important things in your life. We have one mission to alleviate the stress that comes when dealing with your finances.
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Kuca Zdravlja Srbija
Mu?ite li se sa zdravstvenim problemima uprkos neprestanim posetama raznoraznim zdravstvenim ustanovama? Dr. Mr. Milovan Miloevi? i Ku?a Zdravlja Srbija imaju alternativno reenje za Vas ?i?enje organizma uz pomo? jedinstvenih i lekovitih p
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Knjigovodstvena agencija Beograd
Knjigovodstvena agencija DobitS je agencija sa kompletnom uslugom za vasu firmu. Mozemo da vam ponudimo sve usluge iz domena knjigovodstva ali i racunovodstva.
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Kokosovo ulje brano i protein
Agrimeo d.o.o. se bavi uvozom i distribucijom punomasnog kokosovog brana i rafinisanog kokosovog ulja, kao i proizvodnjom u Srbiji hladno ce?enog kokosovog ulja i kokos proteina. Hladno ce?eno kokosovo ulje 150 gr je proizvedeno u Srbiji postupkom mehani?kog ce?enja punomasnog kokosovog brana. Postupak proizvodnje je potpuno prirodan, bez termi?ke obrade sirovina i bez hemijskih dodataka. Tako dobijeno ulje u potpunosti zadrava sve hranljive sastojke, pre svega masne kiseline kojima plod prirodno obiluje.
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Frontech Solutions EU
Frontech Solutions EU is a software company that provides error-free PLM solutions. We are considered and some of the best apparel PLM software providers, but our potential ranges across a number of different industries.
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Miodrag Kostic
Miodrag Kosti? Kole, biznismen, filantrop i vlasnik nekih od najprestinijih nagrada za poslovna dostignu?a u Srbiji i na Balkanu. Tako?e vlasnik MK Grupe, jedne od najuspenijih srpskih kompanija koja tako?e posluje i u Belorusije.
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Asteroid Energy
Asteroid Energy pioneers sustainable energy solutions with innovative radiation management services. Leveraging advanced technology and expertise, we offer comprehensive solutions to mitigate radiation risks, ensuring safety and environmental compliance across industries. Our commitment to excellence drives us to create a safer, cleaner future for all.
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Kese, vrece, folija, strec folija, dzakovi
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Seibl Trade
Timberland Pro
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Uvoz iz Kine
Uvoz iz Kine je postao nikad laki uz pomo? agenata u Kini. Minimizujte trokove i smanjite rizik angaovanjem agenta koji je u Kini.
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Beskontaktni uredjaji za dezinfekciju ruku - Lab Tech Solution
Beskontaktni uredjaji za dezinfekciju ruku - Lab Tech Solutions.
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Knjigovodstvena agencija
Knjigovodstvena agencija AFC Loro prua knjigovodstvene usluge u celoj Srbiji
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Dobavlja? elektronskih komponenti - Chimicron
Chimicron kao vode?i distributer elektroni?kih komponenti sa irokim rasponom proizvoda s velikim izborom na zalihama i spremnim za isporuku bez minimalnih narudbi. Novi elektroni?ki dijelovi dodani svakodnevno.
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Majstori Beograd
Majstori Beograd - Majstori svih profila na jednom mestu. Nudimo vodoinstalaterske usluge, elektro usluge, usluge keramicara, tapetara, stolara, molera. Takodje nudimo i gradjevinske usluge.
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Servis turbina MOTORKOV
Servis turbine, remont turbine, popravka turbina, popravka turbopunjaca, servis turbina, popravka turbopunjaca
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Zavarivanje legura
Zavarivanje svih metala Obi?ne ?elike, Ner?aju?e ?elike, Aluminijum i aluminijumske legure, ?ist magnezijum i legure, Bakar i legure bakra, Mesing i legure mesinga, Sinterovane ner?aju?i ?elik i mesingane filtere, Moneli I legure monela, Bronz
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Zatita na radu i zatita ivotne sredine "Beograd" doo
Viskokvalifikovani savetnici u oblasti zatite na radu i zatite ivotne sredine Zatita Beograd je licencirano preduze?e specijalizovano za delatnosti u oblasti zatite i zdravlja na radu, kao i zatite ivotne sredine i zatite od poara.
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