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Link Centre > Health > Complementary Therapies - page 1

    Your website here with a Premium Listing

  • Kaleidoscope Therapy Centre Pte Ltd

    Child-led, family focused and strengths based children's therapy centre providing excellence since 1999. Our services include speech therapy, occupational therapy, physiotherapy and psychology services. We also have an early intervention program for children aged 2-7, and an academy for children aged 7-12 with additional needs. The programs include intensive therapy from highly experienced therapists.

  • IFN Singapore

    Our mission is to help families and individuals move beyond neurological, developmental and mental health conditions, as well as drive peak brain performance.

  • Negative Ionizer UberAir – Enjoys Vitamins in the Air

    Negative Ionizer UberAir delivers 2 millions clustered negative ions and ozone-free. Breathe the freshest air and give your lungs and respiratory system a break from all the external pollutants

  • The Anaesthesia And Pain Practice

    We begin with a comprehensive assessment of your condition and what treatments, effective or not, you have received thus far. A brief list of conditions we manage and treat includes Musculoskeletal pain, Neuropathic pain, and more.

This page was created on 08 Feb 2025 GMT v12.0