Pi Legal Consultancy
Pi Legal Consultancy is an international law and consulting firm established in Turkey. We have four offices based in ?stanbul, Ankara and Batman. We also enjoy solution partners and lawyers located in most European Countries. We offer legal consultancy and advocacy in key legal areas, among others, international trade, investment, citizenship, healthcare, real estate, corporate governance, banking and finance.
- www.pilc.law/ - review this website
Bicak Law Firm
Bicak Law Firm is one of the leading law firms in Turkish law, provides a full range of legal advocacy and legal consultancy services, with a large amount of business working with international clients in the Turkish market.
- www.bicakhukuk.com/ - review this website
Etimesgut Avukat
Hukuki dan??manl?k ofisleri yapt?klar? çal??malar ile müvekillerinin hukuki meselelerini daha etkin, çabuk ve istenilen biimde çözülmesini sa?lamak amac? ta??mal?d?r. Avukatl?k mesle?inin gerektirdi?i dürüstlük ve güveni ilke edinmelidir.
- www.arcahukuk.com/ - review this website
Birlik Hukuk ve Dan??manl?k
Birlik Hukuk ve Dan??manl?k Bürosu, ?zmir merkezli ofisimizde; uzman avukat kadrosuyla birlikte çal??ma alanlar?na devaml? olarak yenilerini ekleyerek teknoloji ve ça??n gerekliliklerine uygun ?ekilde büyümesini sürdürmekte ancak büyürken, müvekkilleriyle olan birebir ileti?iminden ve butik i? yapma felsefesinden ödün vermemektedir.
- www.birlikhukuk.com.tr - review this website
Attorney Mark A Fulford Encourages Students to Choose Law -
Attorney Mark A Fulford, visited Richmond Hill Prep Primary School and encourage a group of Grade 5 and 6 Children to choose Law during their annual Careers Day. The students were all dressed up in various costumes and attires mimicking the career.
- www.fchamberslaw.com/attorney-mark-fulford-encourages-students-choose-law/ - review this website
Alesta Hukuk ve Dan??manl?k Ofisi
Alesta Hukuk ve Dan??manl?k Ofisi Türkiyede ve yurt d???nda akademik çal??malar? bulunan, ulusal ve uluslararas? alanda çal??malarda bulunmu? Dr. Yakup Ya?ar Mirzao?lunun öncülü?ünde kurulmu?tur. Ankara ilinde kurulmu? olan Hukuk ve Dan??manl?k Büromuz, tecrübeli hukukçular ile müvekkillerine ulusal ve uluslararas? alanda avukatl?k ve dan??manl?k hizmet vermektedir.
- www.alestahukuk.com/ - review this website
Hukuki Dan??manl?k
Hukuki Dan??manl?k.
- hukukidurum.com - review this website
Önder & Han Partners Law Firm ?stanbul
As Önder Law Firm, we resolve lawsuits and disputes in many different fields. With its expert staff and partner offices, it provides services to local and international institutions, institutions and organizations and real people. Our law firm, which provides legal services in a wide scope, has been organized by dividing into specialized departments according to their fields of activity in order to resolve legal disputes in the most efficient way. Our ultimate goal is to produce the most appropriate legal solution for our clients, in the highest quality, and to prevent problems before they arise, apart from only producing solutions to existing problems. We carry out the attorneyship relationship by adopting the legal problems of the client.
- istanbullawoffice.com - review this website
Sakarya Avukat Erkan AYDIN
Avukat Erkan Ayd?n olarak, Adapazar?nda hukuki dan??manl?k ve avukatl?k hizmetlerimizle, adaletin tecellisi için çal???yoruz. Ceza hukuku, icra hukuku, miras hukuku ve i? hukuku alanlar?ndaki uzmanl???m?zla, her türlü hukuki sorununuzda güvenilir çözüm orta??n?z olmaya haz?r?z.
- averkanaydin.com/ - review this website
Kula Law Firm
Kula Law Firm providing comprehensive legal services to corporations and natural persons. One of the main facts of the Law is to be compatible with the changing conditions within the country and the world. Kula Law Firm adopts as a principle to be attuned to these changes expeditiously and always be innovative and creative.
- kulahukuk.com/home - review this website
Polonya Türk Legal Experts Worldwide
At Gurcan Partners, we're here to help with your legal and consulting needs. Our team comes from different countries and we're experts in handling tough legal issues across Germany, Poland, Europe, Serbia, Turkey, Budapest, Hungary, Czechia, UAE, USA, and Singapore in 10 countries. Whether you're looking for assistance in polonya türk matters or require expert legal services, we're dedicated to providing great service and making a positive difference.
- gurcanpartners.com/tr/hizmet-noktalarimiz/polonya/ - review this website
Kalkavan Law
Kalkavan Law Office, 2006 y?l?ndan beri mükemeliyetçi ve dinamik bir avukatl?k bürosu olmay? hedef edinen, tüm hukuk dallar?nda uzman kadrosuyla aktif olarak hizmet vermektedir. Ba?l?ca bireylere ve ticari i?letmeler dahil olmak üzere uluslararas? i?letmelere hizmetini sürdürüyor.
- kalkavanlawoffice.com/ - review this website