Ritual service
High-quality and fast solution of any ritual issues around the clock without intermediaries! The funeral home "Veles" provides funeral services in Kyiv as quickly as possible and in accordance with high quality standards. Our funeral service has its own production, which allows us to set affordable prices and guarantee the quality of our products.
- velesritual.com.ua - review this website
Funeral service
Organization of a funeral in Kyiv, selection of a place in a cemetery, production and installation of monuments in Ukraine. Solving any ritual issues around the clock. PE Pryadko offers funeral services in Kyiv, which include a full range of works related to the organization of the farewell ceremony, burial, transportation of the deceased across Ukraine and those who came to say goodbye to the deceased at the cemetery, as well as subsequent funeral dinners in the selected cafe for commemoration. We try to carefully think through everything in order to cover all the important points of organizing a funeral in Kyiv.
- www.prjadko.kiev.ua - review this website
Ritual service
The ritual service "Zapov?t" in Kyiv is a guarantee of a sensitive attitude towards the relatives of the deceased and respect for the deceased. More than 3,000 people turn to us for help every year, most of them come on recommendation. The reputation of our funeral services agency is a guarantee that the mourning event will be held with dignity.
- ua-ritual.com - review this website