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    Your website here with a Premium Listing

  • Biodegradable Realm

    Biodegradable World is an Expert Informational System. Right here we will offer you only fascinating web content, which you will certainly like very much. We're dedicated to supplying you the very best of Informational, with a focus on stability and Info on eco-friendly points. We're functioning to transform our interest for Informational into a growing online website. We hope you appreciate our Educational as high as we enjoy providing them to you.

  • Roseann Capanna-Hodge, Ed.D., BCN, LPC

    Dr. Roseann Capanna-Hodge is a Connecticut Certified School Psychologist, a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) and a Board Certified Neurofeedback Provider (BCN), with more than 20 years working with children, teens, adults, and parents. She answered

  • EOC INSTITUTE- Deep meditation tool,

    Instant Meditation. Our sound technology produces deep, blissful meditative states, rapid thinking, & jumps in self awareness. Feel the top personal growth, motivation & mind development tool around

  • Neurofeedback Services Of New York

    Neurofeedback Services of New York is a full service Neurotherapy center who has been providing cutting-edge brain-based assessments and training therapies for all ages for over 15 years. Located on the Upper West side of Manhattan our practice offers one of the most comprehensive arrays of neurofeedback services in the metropolitan area. Here at Neurofeedback Services Of New York, we understand the importance of feeling and performing your best. We also understand the distress that psychological struggles can bring about in your life. At Neurofeedback Services of New York we believe every individual possesses a powerful capability to grow. With the use of powerful neuro-technologies, including Neurofeedback and QEEG brain mapping, we help our clients train their brains to operate in ways that better serve them.

This page was created on 11 Feb 2025 GMT v12.0