Hydrotherapy, Whirpools, Air Baths, Air-Whirlpools
With cutting edge designs and highest levels of quality, Jason International is the leading hydrotherapy expert. Designed to help restore your energy and strength, our baths will improve your health a
- www.jasoninternational.com - review this website
Healthy Consumer Physical Therapy Lansing
At Healthy Consumer Physical Therapy in Lansing, MI we help adults living with pain or stiffness get healthy and back to the activities they love without painkillers, injections, or surgery. PHONE : 616-803-9829
- healthyconsumerpt.com/ - review this website
Rachels Water of Life Colon - (646) 294-2299
When you need a Hydrotherapist in Brooklyn, NY, call on Rachels Water of Life Colon, We offer a wide range of services including Colonics, Colon Hydrotherapy, Wellness Program and much more!
- watersoflifecolonicny.com/ - review this website
Effective OCD Treatment in California: A Path to Wellness
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a mental health condition that affects millions of people, disrupting their daily lives with persistent, intrusive thoughts (obsessions) and repetitive behaviors (compulsions). While OCD can be challenging, it is a treatable condition. At CA Mental Health, we provide specialized OCD treatment in California designed to help individuals regain control over their thoughts and behaviors, promoting a healthier and more balanced life. Understanding OCD and Its Impact OCD is characterized by recurring, unwanted thoughts that create anxiety, often leading individuals to engage in repetitive behaviors in an attempt to reduce that anxiety. Common compulsions include excessive cleaning, checking, counting, or arranging objects. These behaviors can become so time-consuming and distressing that they interfere with daily functioning, relationships, and overall quality of life.
- camentalhealth.com/ - review this website
Aqua Lavage Colon Hydrotherapy & Detox, LLC
Cleansing and Detox: The Foundation for a Lifetime of Good Health. Colonic services are provided through the open-system called the LIBBE (Lower Intestinal Bottom Bowel Evacuation). Colon hydrotherapy, also known as colonics, colon irrigation or high enemas, is a safe way of removing waste and toxins from the large intestines without the use of drugs. It's a controlled method of cleansing the colon by introducing warm, filtered water through a small, pencil-sized nozzle. The waste is softened and loosened, resulting in evacuation through natural peristalsis. Aqua Lavage Colon Hydrotherapy & Detox, LLC, is a wellness destination offering colon hydrotherapy, infrared sauna, Ionic Foot Bath & Whole Body Vibration in Pacific Beach, San Diego.
- aqualavage.com/ - review this website
Colon Hydrotherapy Center | Queens
Here at Colon Hydrotherapy Center in Queens Center we specialize in Colon Hydrotherapy with cutting edge technology at your service. We are professionals, serving people looking for Colonic therapy alternative.
- colonhydrotherapy.esthelisclinic.com/ - review this website
Scuba Sams Canine Hydrotherapy LLC
indoor swimming for dogs using a pool or underwater treadmill for fitness, fun and rehabilitation. A wellness center that also includes access to a chiropractor, massage therapist and Laser Therapy. Service or Product: Therapy for dogs Canine Hydro
- www.scubasams.com/ - review this website