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Link Centre > Computers > Programming - page 1

    Your website here with a Premium Listing

  • bietet Eltern und Kindern Informationen und Ressourcen zum spielerischen Erlernen von Programmierung. Die Website stellt Spielzeuge, Roboter, Apps, Bücher und Tools vor, mit denen Kinder altersgerecht das logische Denken und erste Programmierkenntnisse entwickeln können.

  • Codevisionz - Learn to Code for free

    Codevisionz offers learning paths to common programming languages, such as Java, Python or C++, whose concepts and syntax are introduced to the learner primarily through explanatory text and sample code. Our collection of more than 2000 well-documented code examples is constantly growing. So you can constantly improve your programming skills.

This page was created on 12 Feb 2025 GMT v12.0