Italian Cultural Association of Hong Kong -
The Italian Cultural Association of Hong Kong offers a wide range of Italian language courses tailored to different age groups and proficiency levels, from children to adults. Their programs, taught by native Italian speakers, emphasize not only language skills but also cultural understanding. The association provides flexible scheduling options, including face-to-face and online classes, ensuring convenience for learners. With a focus on personalized learning plans and an engaging curriculum, the association aims to deliver an immersive and enjoyable educational experience. Visit Italian Cultural Association for more information.
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補化學 補chem 補chemistry 化學補習
朗林理學 我們是一所只教理科的教育中心,致力提供優質理科教育服務。 中心設於太子和荃灣。 有別於其他教育中心,我們注重基本知識,以平實的教學方式, 由淺入深教導學生。 不標榜貼題 , 不走捷徑。 為何選擇我們? 香港大學或香港中文大學 朗林導師為香港大學或香港中文大學畢業,信心之選。 專科專教 導師所教學科均為大學主修學科,對學科知識有更深入了解。 小班教學 4-7人 小班教學,互動學習, 貼近學生進度。 經驗豐富 8-10年教學經驗 朗林導師教學經驗豐富,多位導師擁10年或以上教學經驗。 減少交通時間 鄰近太子和荃灣港鐵站,交通便利。 精美筆記,講義簡潔易明 導師根據多年經驗編制溫習筆記,講義簡潔,清晰易明。 OUR STUDENTS SAY Ron sir 係一個好有心好有料既Chemistry補習老師,每堂前都準備充足令我可以學到最多既野。 我係尼度學到既Chemistry知識比係學校既更多。 Ron sir唔單止教我課本上既知識, 仲有好多人生道理,亦師亦友. 多謝你
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The Spanish Cultural Association of Hong Kong
We provide spanish courses for all ages and levels in our offices in Tsim Sha Tsui and Causeway bay. The students learn in a small class environment to guarantee an effective learning process of the language.
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ESL Galaxy
Free Site for ESL/EFL/TEFL/TESL teachers,printable ESL worksheets, games,puzzles,survival English
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English Media Lab
Free online English learning, ESL videos, ESL grammar & vocabulary quizzes, ielts tests, all levels
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Capstone Prep Education Center
Founded in 2003, Capstone is one of Asia's leading private educational institutions, focused on high-achieving students in the region.
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100% Pass without Exam: MCSE, MCSE 2003, MCSE 2008, MCTS, MCPD, MCITP, MCSA, MCP, MCDST
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MBA Programs | Full-Time MBA | Part-Time MBA Program | Hong
MBA Prograsm: Full-time and Part-Time MBA - The university of Hong Kong (HKU) offers full-time and part-time MBA programs which are highly relevant to the region's dynamic and evolving business environment with a strong focus on Asia business.
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