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Chennai Best Skin Clinic - Shens Hospital

We at Shen Hospital, Chennai best skin care clinic, care for diseases regarding skin, nails, hair, and cosmetology and dermatology. We are the pioneers of the first choice of our patients as we execute diagnostic and cosmetic procedures along our routine health care services to provide comprehensive care for our patients belonging to all age groups. Dermatology relates to skin, and other parts of our body. Some diseases treated by a dermatologist include the acne, eczema, skin cancer, psoriasis, and nail infection, etc. For more details visit or call us 9750269815.

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Monitoring Blood Sugar Levels

High blood sugar or Diabetes as it is more commonly known is a very common disorder that after one among every three people. Having abnormal blood sugar levels puts people at risk for many conditions, including heart disease, stroke, and dementia. Detecting the presence of diabetes at the earliest and controlling it ensures that these problems aren’t allowed to progress. Every person aged 35 and above should get their sugar levels checked once in two years. If a person has a family history of diabetes, they need to take extra caution and ensure that their sugar levels are checked annually. For more deteails visit or call us 8190058888.

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