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Dictionary definition for: Cheat
1. (n) weedy annual grass often occurs in grainfields and other cultivated land; seeds sometimes considered poisonous
2. (v) deprive somebody of something by deceit; "The con-man beat me out of $50" "This salesman ripped us off!" "we were cheated by their clever-sounding scheme" "They chiseled me out of my money"
3. (n) weedy annual native to Europe but widely distributed as a weed especially in wheat
4. (v) defeat someone in an expectation through trickery or deceit
5. (n) someone who leads you to believe something that is not true
6. (v) engage in deceitful behavior; practice trickery or fraud; "Who''s chiseling on the side?"
7. (n) the act of swindling by some fraudulent scheme; "that book is a fraud"
8. (v) be sexually unfaithful to one''s partner in marriage; "She cheats on her husband" "Might her husband be wandering?"
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