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Dictionary definition for: Wet

1. (n) wetness caused by water; "drops of wet gleamed on the window"

2. (v) cause to become wet; "Wet your face"

3. (a) covered or soaked with a liquid such as water; "a wet bathing suit" "wet sidewalks" "wet paint" "wet weather"

4. (v) make one''s bed or clothes wet by urinating; "This eight year old boy still wets his bed"

5. (a) supporting or permitting the legal production and sale of alcoholic beverages; "a wet candidate running on a wet platform" "a wet county"

6. (a) producing or secreting milk; "a wet nurse" "a wet cow" "lactating cows"

7. (s) consisting of or trading in alcoholic liquor; "a wet cargo" "a wet canteen"

8. (s) very drunk

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