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OpenAI’s Response to GPT-4 Sluggishness

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OpenAI is actively addressing user concerns about perceived sluggishness in GPT-4 and is committed to enhancing its responsiveness. Acknowledging feedback on social media regarding instances where the chatbot suggests users complete tasks themselves, OpenAI clarified in a recent tweet that this behavior is unintentional. The company emphasized that the AI model has not been updated since November 11 and is actively investigating and resolving the reported issue.

In a more extensive tweet thread, OpenAI shed light on the complexity of training chat models, emphasizing that it is not a straightforward industrial process. The company explained that various training runs, even with identical datasets, can yield models with distinct personalities, writing styles, refusal behaviors, evaluation performances, and even political biases. OpenAI assured users that rigorous testing precedes the release of any new model, expressing gratitude for user feedback, which aids in addressing dynamic evaluation challenges.

These developments unfold in the context of recent events at OpenAI, including CEO Sam Altman’s temporary removal and subsequent reinstatement, adding an extra layer of context to the ongoing narrative.



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